Why Learn a Language?

Being introduced to a new language for the first time is amazing… and confusing. Running your finger over new words on a page can feel like deciphering hieroglyphics, and trying to keep up with conversation even more baffling.

So why make the effort to learn a language?

Despite the unfamiliarity, learning a language comes with the ultimate prize: the promise of an open door to a new, exciting world – one that will change your life for the better.

At the Language Ladies, a language school based in Cornwall, we love everything about languages. With a wealth of collective experience behind us, we’ve put together a few of our favourite things about learning a language and some of the many benefits that come as part of the package.

New Doors, New Perspectives

The world is made up of a huge framework of people and places, cultures and beliefs, traditions and practices. Yet, we all have one thing in common: languages. When you learn a new language, you don’t just learn words, but also about history, politics, food, music, fashion, religion and much, much more. Once you step through the door, your horizons are irrevocably widened, enhancing your knowledge and changing your perceptions for the better.

Meeting New People

Another fantastic advantage of learning a language is making new friends – people who you would never have met otherwise. Increasing your social circles all over the world, languages are a brilliant way to bridge the communication gap and meet like-minded people, both at home and all over the world. Dinner parties certainly get a lot more interesting, and holidays too!

Travelling the World

One of the most popular benefits of learning a language is the way it enables you to travel more widely and communicate more easily. As much as everyone loves asking for directions through a spontaneous game of charades or miming a stomach-ache at a pharmacy counter, it’s much easier when you can just talk. Making travel safer and more accessible, learning a language is an invaluable gateway.

Improving Your Memory

According to extensive research, it’s been proven that learning a language can improve your memory. Keeping your mind active, it helps to keep you sharp as a tick and enhance your analytical skills and creativity too. Well, what’s not to love about that?

Increasing Employability

Learning a language is something that anyone can do at any stage of life, and our face-to-face and online language classes are attended by students of all generations. Many learners want to learn a language as a hobby, but it is actually a great way to increase your employability too. Creating many more job opportunities across a variety of sectors (all over the world), having more than one language under your belt is brilliant for your CV.

Let’s Face, It’s Cool

Admit it: being able to switch languages at the drop of a hat is cool. It’s fun, it’s rewarding and it makes you look really impressive in front of your friends too. We need say no more.

If you would like to find out more about the Language Ladies and our language courses in Cornwall and online, give us a ring on 07748 903 856 or read more about us here.

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