OET NHS Success stories

Internationally trained nurses are a vital part of the UK’s solution to providing healthcare but finding ways to attract and retain staff is challenging, especially during these tough times. Aneurin …

OET Training at the Language Ladies

Occupational English Test (OET) is an international English language proficiency test for healthcare professionals. Recognised world-wide by immigration departments, healthcare boards and councils, and leading education institutions, OET is accepted …

Learn a Language | Language Ladies | Language Courses Cornwall

Why Learn a Language?

Being introduced to a new language for the first time is amazing… and confusing. Running your finger over new words on a page can feel like deciphering hieroglyphics, and trying …

Spanish for Holidays

A fun and lively Spanish language course. We will be using all four skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing which will be practised through practical activities. The course is aimed …